List 100

I want to prepare the list of my 100 things to do before I die after looking at Chip Huyen's List 100. Please let me know if you have any recommendation.

Progress as of Feb 18, 2023: 4/41.

  1. ✗ Visit Manali
  2. ✗ Visit Mountain View Google Office
  3. Visit 100 countries [1/100]
  4. ✗ Fly an aeroplane
  5. ✗ See Kashmir
  6. ✗ Build a house for my parents - [Planned]
  7. ✗ Run a marathon
  8. ✗ Learn to Ski
  9. ✗ Scuba Dive
  10. ✗ Bungee Jump
  11. ✓ Do paragliding - [Nepal Trip]
  12. ✗ Invest regularly for 20 years - [Need to Restart]
  13. ✗ Publish a patent [In Progress]
  14. ✗ Become the first author of a paper published at a top tier conference
  15. ✗ Became a Kaggle Grandmaster in Competitions
  16. ✗ Rank in top 10 in Kaggle Competitions Grandmaster list
  17. ✗ Start a nonprofit organization - Got a chance but wasn't able to collect to commit.
  18. ✗ Learn Japanese
  19. ✗ Live in another country
  20. ✗ Start a company
  21. ✗ Fund Dakshana Foundation
  22. ✗ Fund JNV Anantapur
  23. ✗ Go on a trip overseas with my whole family
  24. ✗ Get 6 packs
  25. ✗ Drive a car in Bangalore traffic
  26. ✗ Publish a python package
  27. ✗ Create my own programming language
  28. ✓ Take a walk in the rain for an hour - [Coorg Trip]
  29. ✓ Ride a bike in mountain roads during heavy rains - [Kodaikanal Bike Trip]
  30. ✗ Meet Eiichiro Oda
  31. ✗ Publish a manga
  32. ✗ Win an art competition
  33. ✗ Get featured in a local newspaper - already had been featured multiple times but I want to after I create this list
  34. ✗ Speak at TED
  35. ✗ Play poker in a casino
  36. ✗ Win a poker tournament
  37. ✗ Create a band and play at a concert or a pub
  38. ✗ Start an apparel brand
  39. ✓ Go on a solo bike trip
  40. ✗ Be in a movie/commercial
  41. ✗ Design and publish a game

But always:

  • ~ Be kind
  • ~ Be awesome
  • ~ Wake up and live happily whatever I get on each day.


  • Read 100 books [14/100] -> Realized that it's much more impressive to read one book and have it deeply impact you than to read 100 books and not feel a thing.
  • Read 1000 books [14/1000] -> Same as above
  • Other list items that involve some other persons involvement.

Some life lessons learnt by experience or read online:

  1. Most of your friends aren’t really your friends. They’re just along for the ride when it’s fun or convenient. Your real friends are there for you when you have nothing to offer.
  2. You'll only see your loved ones a few more times. Remember: It's later than you think.
  3. You'll literally never know what you want to be when you grow up (and that's perfectly fine!).
  4. Most people don't really care about you. The Spotlight Effect says that we overestimate the degree to which other people are observing our actions. This should be liberating.
  5. You don't need to have an opinion on everything. It's perfectly reasonable to have no opinion on something that you haven't researched or don't understand.
  6. You probably won't be remembered or have a legacy. In a few thousand years, chances are we will all be forgotten.
  7. You can tell everything you need to know about a person by observing:
  8. how they treat service workers and
  9. whether they put their shopping cart back.
  10. You can get pretty damn far in life by just saying what you're going to do and then doing it. No fancy hack needed.
  11. Most of us need fewer friends and more intellectual sparring partners. Friends are easy to come by, but intellectual sparring partners question our assumptions and force us to level up.
  12. Being kind to people is the only real life hack. Kindness remains severely underrated.
  13. We should all stop talking about how many books we read last year. It's much more impressive to read one book and have it deeply impact you than to read 100 books and not feel a thing.
  14. You should never bet against a person who just keeps showing up.
  15. Most of the people you look up to and admire are remarkably unremarkable. Their success is not due to some intrinsic difference, but some stellar combination of effort and luck.
  16. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is (and you should run away).
  17. You're probably being held back by your unwillingness to ask. Remember: Closed mouths don't get fed.
  18. Failure doesn't always lead to growth. Sometimes failure just leads to pain. Sometimes the growth doesn't come from the failure, but from simply outlasting the darkness.
  19. Waking up early is the easiest way to improve your odds of success. You don't have to wake up early to be successful, but you rarely find an early riser that isn't winning.
  20. Hard work is not overrated. That's ridiculous. 99% of successful people worked very hard.
  21. Showing up early costs very little and pays off handsomely in the long run.
  22. The world is not fair. Bad people win and good people lose—all the time. The world may never be truly fair, but it will always belong to those who make the most of what they have before them.