Manikanth Reddy¶
Thank you for taking time to check out my website. Following list provides the overall outline of my website. I try to update it from time to time but I am not able to do it regularly. Please go through the disclaimer before you proceed.
About Me
Find more about me on:
- My current work
- My personal life & hobbies
- My interests
List 100
I am maintaining a list of 100 things I want to do in my life, following Chip Huyen's List. I will be updating the list as I complete them.
Kaggle Competitions
I try to find time to participate in Kaggle competitions when possible and write my insights on this blog.
- Tips & Tricks
- Competitions Insights
ML Notes
I work as an ML Engineer and I write notes on ML topics I learn. I write about:
- Book Reviews
- Paper Summaries
- Recommended Articles
From time to time, I also write about:
- My trips and experiences
- Latest tech I'm learning
- Intesting things I find on the internet
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